Hello! My name is Kensaku Shimamura, a qualified practitioner of Imoto Seitai. I have been practicing Seitai, a type of bodywork in Tokyo for nearly 20 years.

Reflecting back, I realize the first technique I learned was not traditional Seitai, but rather a shallow technique. Back then, no matter how much I treated or pressed, my clients’ bodies would stiffen again soon, and I was left exhausted every day.

However, at one point, I discovered ‘Imoto Seitai’ and was captivated by the depth of knowledge and technique underpinned by its tradition. I then joined the Tokyo headquarters. Since then, through my training and clinical practice, not only have I seen dramatic changes in my clients’ conditions, but I have also felt myself becoming healthier and stronger.

It’s not just about treating clients; I am also becoming ‘Seitai’ myself. If I embody Seitai, then it resonates with others too. ‘Seitai’ means not just a body that is free from illness, but one that possesses a resilient strength to navigate the highs and lows of seasonal and environmental changes.

As I continued to passionately study and practice traditional Imoto Seitai, I eventually became a gymnastics instructor and was honored with certification. Before I knew it, 18 years had passed.

Thankfully, many clients in Japan have cherished this practice, but I have always dreamed of spreading the true greatness of the relatively unknown ‘Seitai’ to the world. This desire brought me here to the Netherlands. Imoto Seitai is already active in branches in Switzerland and France.

By establishing a new branch here in the Netherlands and cooperating with other branches, I hope to contribute to the health and happiness of people around the world through the spread of this wonderful Japanese therapeutic art, Imoto Seitai.


1998: Opened “Tachikawa Seitai Clinic” in Tachikawa City, Tokyo.
2000: Joined Imoto Seitai.
2003: Opened “Shimamura Seitai” in Tachikawa.
2005: Became a qualified Imoto Seitai Exercise Instructor.
2011: Became a qualified Imoto Seitai Accredited Instructor.
2016: Closed “Shimamura Seitai” in Japan to seek international opportunities.
2018: Reopened “Shimamura Seitai” in Amsterdam.

Kensaku has a patient and kind nature. I always felt heard and comfortable during the exercises and massage. I went to him with, amongst others, knee pain. After about 4 sessions I was able to walk longer stretches again and my pains eased. I recommend his saitai treatment to anyone seeking a deeper understanding and treatment for their physical ailments.
